Sunday, October 3, 2010

I Know! I Know!!

A whole month has gone by since I started cleaning this place up. I need to make it a habit like it was before. It takes two weeks of doing something (or not doing something) every day to make (or break) a habit. I'm going to attempt at least one post a day.

If it makes you (or me) feel any better, I have been crafting and planning over the last month. Made a couple of pairs of socks and a scarf for my dear friend Sarah.

The Yarn Yarn Sisterhood has been meeting regularly, and growing mad skills.

Back to the one post a day -- I watched Julie & Julia this morning, and thought about how great it would be to blog for a living. Like that will happen! Dare to dream! I don't plan to knit my way through EZ's Knitter's Almanac, I do intend to blog more about my adventures in fiber.

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